
Got My Goat!

So now it looks as if my blog has taken on a political slant.

Anyway, just finished reading a New York Times article.

In it, it outlines the dirty tricks that the Republicans are employing in an attempt to disenfranchise Democratic registrants. Haven't we had enough?

I think it is encumbent on EVERYONE to make sure that their vote counts in this country. I strongly advocate the Colorado change to Amendment 36 of their constitution. In this change, electoral college votes from Colorado will be proportionately allocated to candidates. Of course, many Republicans would rather not see this change pass. They know better than the people, right?

Just like President Bush knows what's best for a woman's body. It's disturbing to me that this president insists that he is "spreading democracy" when in fact, all acts of this administration and Republican Party STRIP our rights away. Mark Morford of SFGate recently wrote an article about this and how even Oprah has come out against this.

Also, this continuing saga over whether or not Mary Cheney was "born a lesbian" or "became a lesbian" is getting on my nerves. You know, who cares. I think that Kerry was making a point, the same point I made yesterday here, that it's not a "choice" as many evangelical Republicans might have you believe.

In my personal struggle to "figure it out," I dated girls. It cause me a lot of confusion. Even in the liberal aura of San Francisco, just a scant hop skip and a jump away, homophobia is apparent. People still come into San Francisco to beat up gay people. It's not pretty.

I may be sliding down a slippery slope on this one, but I firmly believe that Elizabeth Edwards comments yesterday on ABC Radio were dead on: The Cheney's are ashamed of their daughter.

Here are Senator Kerry's exact words on the matter:

We're all God's children, Bob. And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney's daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she's being who she was, she's being who she was born as.
I think if you talk to anybody, it's not choice. I've met people who struggled with this for years, people who were in a marriage because they were living a sort of convention, and they struggled with it.

Now here's what Lynne Cheney said in reaction:

Now, you know, I did have a chance to assess John Kerry once more and now the only thing I could conclude: This is not a good man.

Now just what the hell does that mean? The Cheney's as of yet have not said anything as to WHY they are so angry about this. It's ridiculous! What was so wrong with Kerry's statement?

Probably that the statement is correct, and probably that Lynne & Dick are in denial about their daughter being a lesbian, and are actually ashamed at their parenting skills, not to mention that how could a Republican "bear" a lesbian child?

This would justify this argument from the Cheney's. And this would further their point that this lifestyle is a "choice."

Republican skew on sex in general is also potentially damaging to all of their respectful campaigns. For instance, Jack Ryan, who was facing the popular Obama in Illinois, had to leave the race due his divorce papers from actress Jeri Ryan, who claimed that her husband forced her to go to sex clubs.

Who did the Republicans put up to replace Ryan? None other than eccentric Alan Keyes, who has been quoted saying that Mary Cheney is a "selfish hedonist."

To further complicate matters for the Cheney's, Jerry Falwell has also claimed that Mary is "errant."

In all of this as well, we also have Lynne's own comment four years ago of regarding Mary Cheney:

Lynne Cheney has been even more publicly conflicted about her daughter. Four years ago, when ABC reporter Cokie Roberts asked Lynne Cheney about her daughter being openly gay, Lynne Cheney said, "My daughter has never declared such a thing.''

The Republican Party is obviously at loggerheads regarding the gay issue, and now it is in the crosshairs.

The Republican Party is active in discriminatory practices within their own party, and tries marginalize both ethnic and sexual minorities.

If these are the values that Republicans claim they are protecting, then they are protecting their version of American: A country divided by hatred.

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